Having to go back to work after you’ve been spending so much time with your bundle of joy can be a hard time for some moms.
There’s that never-ending ache to make sure that your tiny baby will be safe and well taken care of.
Here are three ways to help ease the transition from maternity leave to back to the grind.
1. Find Childcare You Trust
Not everyone gets to leave their baby with family members while you go back to work. If you’re part of the working crowd who has to depend on daycare centers to leave your little one at then make sure you start your search early.
Give yourself enough time to visit and revisit centers and home daycares to ensure that they have your trust and meet all of your expectations as far as what you’re looking for in a daycare.
Also, it’s imperative that you have a back-up daycare plan in the event that your center closes for inclement weather or other sudden emergencies.
2. Read Your Company’s Handbook - Talk With Your Boss
Knowing your rights is so important.
Each company will have their own set of rules and regulations for maternity care and time-frames for returning to work.
It’s important that you are well-versed in your company’s policy pertaining to your rights as a parent.
It will also be extremely beneficial to you to sit down with your boss and have a talk about their expectations concerning your work performance and your expectations as a new mom returning to work. Any questions and concern that either of you have should be mulled over during this meeting so that the both of you return with a clear sense of duties and responsibilities.
It’s true that some bosses are more accommodating than others, but that doesn’t mean that your work should ever come before your family’s well-being.
3. Be Flexible
If this is your first baby, then returning to work might really shake your world up.
Know that other moms have experienced doubt, guilt, and anxiety for having to leave their little one to go back to work and that those feelings are totally normal.
Being flexible will help out everyone involved - you, your family, and your employer.
Make lists so that you know what to bring with baby and what you need to bring or work. Get up early so that you have enough time to get yourself ready, get the baby packed, and make yourself a cup of coffee - you’ll need it.
Also, don’t feel bad about asking for help. This transitional time can be a stressful one and having someone to help take off the burden - be it physical or emotional - will do wonders for your psyche.
Don’t forget to bring in some pictures of your baby to help ease the longing until you can cuddle her again, call to check-in if it makes you feel better, you can even have the babysitter send over some updates so that you can put your mind at ease knowing your baby is in good hands.