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4 Ridiculously Easy Ways To Stay Healthy

Posted by Wink Admin on

1. Prep Your Meals The Night Before

If you work a 9 to 5 job, chances are the mornings are busy for you. Save yourself some stress and rushing in the morning and decide on your meals the night before.

Make a list or a chart if that works for you.

Decide what breakfast and lunch will be and what healthy snacks you’ll be munching on throughout your day.

Giving your meals some thought helps you stay focused on consuming the healthy rather than the unhealthy.

2. Mason Jars Should Be Your Best Friend

Not only do they come in an array of sizes but there’s also measurements right on the jar so you can help yourself with portion control.

They seal wonderfully so you can pack a salad to take with you (just remember to put the dressing at the bottom and then build your salad up from there).

Not to mention that they’re incredibly affordable, easy to find, and you’ll be reducing your carbon footprint as well. Yay for you!

3. Listen To Yourself

Thirsty? Tired? Stressed? Muscles hurt?

Whatever your body is telling you, listen to it. It knows you best.

4. Work In Exercise, Even If You Don’t Have Time

Stuck at a desk all day? No big, get up lots – go to the bathroom (even if you don’t have to ‘go’), walk to the printer, stand up when you’re on the phone and practice balancing on one foot, you can even take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Carrying in groceries? Do some arm curls while you’re getting them from the car to the house.

Have stairs in your house? Run up and down them a few times for twenty minutes or so.

Have an hour for lunch at work? Take half an hour to eat lunch and use the other half to go for a brisk walk. Or, pack a lunch you can eat while walking and take the entire hour as an exercise hour.

About the author: Danielle is a freelance blogger, article writer, and virtual assistant who specializes in the areas of pregnancy, parenting, family, health, social media, and small businesses. Visit her on the web at

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