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Natalie’s Wink Weight Loss Story

Posted by Wink Admin on

Hey there
When I had my son I gained 65 lbs. I was so worried I wouldn’t lose all my baby weight and that I would have a baby pooch that I jumped on the opportunity to buy a Wink compression garment when I read the online reviews. I figured hey some things are worth splurging on so I bought 2 (one to wear and one to wash).

(5 Days after giving Birth) 

I ended up having a C section and WOW I’m soooooo glad I had bought my Wink garments. They kept trying to give me drugs at the hospital for my pain BUT the compression garment relieved so much of the pain from the surgery all I needed was one Tylenol the day I left the hospital and that was it! It helped control the pain that I was told to expect and held all my stomach skin in during my 6 weeks of recovery. When I went for my 2 month checkup my OB didn’t even recognize me. I had lost 63 lbs. in those 2 months and I had no saggy baby belly pooch. She asked me what I bought to use and she was like WOW no wonder you look so good, those compression garments are amazing!

2 Months After Giving Birth       10 Months After Giving Birth

My tummy is flat and toned and nobody believes I had a baby, they all think my son is my nephew or I’m babysitting, lol. When people ask what my secret is I have no hesitation saying MY WINK COMPRESSION GARMENTS!

Natalie Swift – Kansas

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