Pregnancy Yoga
Pregnancy is the most enjoyable and lovable phase in every woman’s life. The process of growing and carrying a child within oneself is deeply moving experience. Every month a woman will be checking their weight, eating healthy foods and of course, going for regular checkups. Health is Wealth. Pregnancy however can be very stressful and that is not good for mom or baby. For the stressful situations, it can be helpful for women to do Yoga during pregnancy. There, of course, are some postures women cannot do while pregnant. However, some can be very relaxing, less complicated and safe to...
3 Super Easy Ways To Lose The Baby Weight
Wondering how to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight? Here are three super easy tips to help you do so. 1. Don’t Diet I know, I know – don’t diet you say? Yes, I do say, and here’s why. When you diet, your mental state enters a frenzy of thought responses which toggle down to your day-to-day activities. You’ll be super cautious of what you’re eating, you’ll have a tendency to not eat how you should be, and you may also stress yourself out more which can actually lead to overeating. Instead of dieting, simply make healthier food choices as...