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3 Things To Pack in Your Hospital Bag

Posted by Wink Admin on

  Packing your bag to take with you when it’s time to head to the hospital to meet you little one can be a bit confusing if you’re a first time mom.It’s easy to overpack and take a lot of things you won’t really need or use while you’re there.Here’s three essential areas to concentrate on to better help you sort out your baby bag for the hospital.1. Items for YourselfThink bathrobe, body lotion, prescription meds, your toothbrush, hair ties, glasses and/orcontacts, snacks, and body wash.These may not seem so essential but, trust me, you’ll be very glad you have...

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3 Super Simple Ways to Eat Healthier

Posted by Wink Admin on

Wanting to become healthier is always a wonderful first step in the right direction, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy to change the way that you’ve been eating for the past few years (or even decades).Here’s three simple ways to get you started eating healthier and on your way to a new you.1. Start SmallIf you ran through your cabinets and tossed away all junk food and replaced it with fruits and veggies, chances are you’re going to crave something sweet and with that craving comes the chance of falling off of your path to a healthier...

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4 Simple And Easy Exercises For A New Mom

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    Whether you’re a health fanatic and can’t wait to get back into your exercise routine after the baby is born, or you’ve never exercised a day in your life - these four moves are so easy they allow for an array of new moms to be able to their fitness on. 1. Slow Dancing: Your baby loves and needs to be held so you might as well burn some calories while holding them, right? Hold your baby in your arms or put them in a carrier or wrap, and dance away. Not only will the fluid movements lull...

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The Top Four Ways To Stay Healthy During Pregnancy

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  We all want an easy and healthy pregnancy. And you should follow the advice of your doctor as soon as you find out that you’re expecting. Staying healthy throughout the full nine months isn’t always as easy as pie. Some ladies have zero health problems while others seem to be fighting a new one every other month.  Here are four ways that you can help you and your developing baby stay healthy and happy for the entire duration of your pregnancy.  1. Eat Frequently Those expectant mothers with nausea and/or morning sickness best speak to your doctor first because you...

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Does Shapewear Work?

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Read what one of our reviewers think of our shapewear!  Link to article below: Does Shapewear Work? I was provided product to review. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.I just gave birth to my fourth child last week, which was wonderfully exciting! However, the downside of having carried and birthed four children is that your body takes a little bit of a beating. The amazing thing to me is how fast your body can heal and regain so much strength with a little work. No, it will never be exactly the same as pre-pregnancy,...

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One way to wear the Ultra Bikini

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One creative way to wear our Ultra Bikini!

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Maintaining Your Beauty & Body During Pregnancy

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Although pregnancy is perhaps the greatest experience in the life of every woman - in this period, the body goes through a series of changes that proper care can certainly alleviate.   The body of future mom is influenced primarily by hormonal changes that can affect the skin, hair, weight and figure. That is why pregnant women in this period need special care. Experts recommend special treatments that can work in many well-equipped lounges for many years.   Stretch Marks Prevention   Pregnancy stretch marks usually appear in places where the skin is stretched due to the increase in the volume...

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Magical homemade recipe, that will help you lose belly fat

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Belly fat is most commonly caused by unhealthy lifestyle. In addition, belly fat is visually undesirable, also represents a risk to the health. Among the most serious problems are heart disease and diabetes. There are several factors that contribute to the formation of fatty deposits in belly area, but the most common unhealthy diet, too much sitting and excessive exposure to stressful situations. Although regular exercise and a healthy and proper diet is the best way to get rid of belly fat, the majority of people simply does not have enough time for it (even if you have to take at...

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Posted by Wink Admin on

If your mother says that you should "eat for two" it doesn't mean that you should get twice as much food. Try not to overeat! Too much food is the way to obesity, which carries with it a number of complications: difficult childbirth, the birth of “bigger” children (children over 9.9 lb at birth are at increased risk of obesity later in life, as well as the diseases associated with obesity).   It is important to take into account not only the amount of food you will eat during the day, but also on the quality of the food (ie,...

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8 Ways to Style Booties for Fall

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